Hello adventurers and welcome to Iceland! If you have decided to go camping in Iceland in April, feel relieved as you are in the right place! I am sure you have not found quite a lot of information about camping in April around this beautiful and amazing country. Because April is a “halfway” period where some of the winter activities are finished and other activities planned for summer have not yet started. But do not panic! here we are going to give you some advice to make this adventure the one you will remember for the rest of your life!

Here we will show you some pieces of advice to make this travel easier and especially unforgettable.

Camping In Iceland In April

Where to Camp

Maybe it will be harder to get camping sites that are open in April in Iceland compared to the summer. As in Iceland there are nearly 170 registered camping sites and most of them are open just during the summer season. This period ranges from the beginning of June until the beginning of September. However, there are still quite a lot of campsites open to camping in Iceland in April. Our recommendation is to check the camping services and schedules before booking to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Of course you have got more options to camping in Iceland in April, but camping out anywhere is subject to some complicated restrictions. So we always advise you to camp in Camping sites if possible, this will help avoiding many of those restrictions. But if you are interested in camping in not regulated areas, please check and read through all the conditions to be sure that you are doing it in the right place. As camping anywhere is not always free nor allowed.

How to camp

If you go camping in Iceland in April, there are other ways to simply set up your tent on the floor. You can find rental companies for campervans or motorhomes to make this experience unique.

This sort of accommodation type is cheap and is definitely more comfortable. It can keep you warm and dry (remember that April is a wet month) and it would be easier for you to organize meals, as these vehicles usually come equipped with kitchen ware, water deposit, heating system, Wi-Fi and much more.

On the other hand, if you are that kind of homely traveler you can always rent a motorhome. All depends on how comfortably you like to feel when you camping.

Camping In Iceland In April

The weather

If you want to come to Iceland and decide to go camping in April, you will enjoy alternative ways to contemplate the Icelandic nature in its purest state. Vast landscapes that will stay in your mind forever.

April in Iceland has not extreme temperatures as they vary between 7ºC and 10ºC. However, you should expect rains, sleet, or some snow. The temperatures are of course not the same as those you would have in winter. But is still Iceland, and you should be well equipped to stay warm and relaxed during your stay.

We are sure that if you have decided to go camping in April in Iceland you have thought of important details like the weather, but do not forget waterproof, synthetic and thermal clothes, to protect your feet and keep them warm and dry every time.

If you are using a tent in the outdoors, keep an eye the place you set it up and do it properly, as Iceland it is a windy place.

Drink water and hydrate yourself and bring a pair of sun glasses with you because as Icelandic people say: If you do not like the weather in Iceland just wait 5 minutes! Sun may come up when you least expect it.

Lovely things to see

Maybe you heard about these lovely, relaxing natural and warm lagoons. Even though Iceland is a country with cold weather, it has plenty of geothermal warm water due to the volcanic activity underneath, and you can find public outdoors hot spots and warm lagoons all around the country.

Do not forget to see the impressive Gullfoss waterfalls if you decide to move around and visit this nature’s masterpiece, or maybe do some the Puffin birds sightseeing.

Camping In Iceland In April

Camping In Iceland In April- Let The Showers Bring The Flowers!

Days are longer

Some of the advantages of camping Iceland in April is that the days are longer. Of course the sunset consequently later, providing more daylight. This is maybe one of the biggest worries of visitors when planning excursions.

Having longer days will make your trip better as you will have more time to visit places around the country. You can plan trekking activities and much more!

Northern Lights

Nature’s most beautiful spectacle in Iceland are the northern lights. If you go camping in Iceland in April, you could be lucky enough to watch this beautiful phenomenon. The official northern light’s period ends on the 15Thof April. That makes April much more interesting, right? but the inconvenience is that these Northern lights are not predictable at all. Either way, keep your fingers crossed, everything is possible in this magical place!

We hope you enjoy this unforgettable place, full of peace and nature. Be sure to take lovely pictures and make this adventure the one you will always remember. Get to know what it feels like to escape from the city and spend some days in contact with Mother Earth, the essence of our existence.

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