If you ended up on our blog, probably the main reason is you will be camping in Iceland. Most campers that decide to visit our country, they do either a motorhome or camper road trip. No wonder why, as it is a cheap and comfortable option. But if you are using any of these methods, then you need to be aware of the road rules in Iceland. Here you have some of the most important things to keep in mind.
As in every country, speed or road restrictions vary greatly. In the case of Iceland, you cannot be overconfident just because it is a part of Europe. It is not that we have special rules that differ greatly from other European neighbors, but a different relief and landscapes. This creates certain requirements for drivers to drive safely in our country. Be sure to follow the Road Rules in Iceland if you do not want your trip to become a luxury one. In terms of spending, of course (wink wink).
What are roads like in Iceland?
There are two main group of roads in Iceland. And we make this difference based mainly on their aspect:
Main Roads
Any paved road in a good condition that would connect villages and small towns within Iceland. These Roads are numbered, being the Road N.1 the most famous in Iceland. The Road 1 is also known as the Ring Road, and it is a circular road that goes all around the island.
You probably heard about this road as it is the one used constantly to go on a route around Iceland.
These are complicated, not paved roads. Found mainly in the highlands or in mountainous areas of Iceland. Any F-Roads will be marked on traffic signs so you know exactly the kind of road you will be heading to.
Why is this important? Well, because road rules in Iceland differ depending on this type of roads. One of the greatest differences, besides speed, is you cannot drive on F-Roads without a 4×4 vehicle. They are mandatory so be sure to follow this rule, for your own security and other people that might be using the road as well.
Gravel roads
They are quite common in Iceland. They require specific road rules in Iceland as driving too fast in such tracks can cause damages to your vehicle and other’s as well.
General Speed Limits
This point is important when planning your trip around Iceland. Speed limits are decisive for your trip duration. The general speed limit for main paved roads is 90km/H but if you are crossing a populated area, it is reduced to 30-50km /H.
In gravel roads, the maximum speed is 80km / h but bear in mind that speed should be adapted to the road and climate conditions. If you need to drive slower, then do so. Remember, safety comes first!
Safety First: What Are The Road Rules in Iceland?
Off Road Driving
Completely forbidden in Iceland. This is quite dangerous so just forget about it. It is not about avoiding a ticket or a fine…it’s about security. As we mentioned before, this land was created by lava and ice. There are many areas where there are huge gaps, melted rock or even boiling water from geothermal springs. You do not know where you may end up and this is like risking. A basic Road Rule in Iceland is: stay on the marked road.